Bunch of Pricks
The old house? Oh, it is so much a part of me now. It is my
heart and soul of homes. I’ll never feel like that again in my life and I know
it. But perhaps the experience was for a season only. I never realized that while
it was happening. I recall feeling so incredibly happy that I had finally found
the one place on earth that felt right to me. The sticking doors and squeaking
floors were the voices of the departed. I’ve sat where my grandma sat and I’ve
contemplated her many hours of peace within that old house. She was also
protected there. It was her refuge as surely as it was mine.
I never owned the old house. Even though I owned the experience
and I owned the heartbeat, but I might have to move out some day.
It has taken me a few weeks to get my head around this, but
I may have no choice. I began to see the difficulty I might face not long ago. It
felt old; it was the same curse that plagued the last generation. The
sacredness of the home-place affects everyone deeply, yet the emotions are
private for each person affected. I have to remember that the house, the shops,
mom’s house and the land means something to several other people on this
planet. I’m not the only one who can see the ghosts. I’m not the only one who
can go there and feel the warmth of its embrace. It’s easy to become selfish
once you’ve been there a while.
I wanted that experience to translate and extend to everyone
still living with Della’s blood in their veins, but it is very hard to do while
living with the ghosts. We’d get up together each morning and have coffee
together. Yes, we would walk the property together. Sometimes, daddy would work
with me in the old house, late into the night. I could feel him there. I
thought he was smiling while I was cleaning, clearing and rebuilding. I would get
lost in a project and the project would seem to be swallowing me whole when
suddenly, I would feel daddy nudging me in a new direction and, just as
suddenly, the project would begin to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Friends and other family members did a lot to help me there.
Bill and I did a lot of the initial cleanup together. Someone would loan me a
tool I needed just in time. Neighbors would come over, almost mysteriously, at
just the moment when I would need help lifting something. It wasn’t like I’d
call them over; they’d just appear at exactly the instant when I was about to
take on something too heavy.
In spite of all the opposition I faced in the beginning, I
always knew I was on the right path because the doors would simply open as I
needed them to. The renovation seemed to go according to plan; yet it really
didn’t feel as if it was my plan at all. The ghosts were there all the time. I
faced a few pricks along the way, but they didn’t stop progress.
In recent months, things began to change. The garden would
barely produce; my gas heaters would not heat the old house and when the
weather turned hot, the window units would not cool it. I was fighting termites
and drafts. It was still a very glorious home, but I was not comfortable.
I began dreaming up ways to remedy the problem. I thought
I’d renovate mom’s house or build another house. Of course I knew I would have
to work out a lot of details to make that work, but I had gotten used to
working out details. However, the more I tried to keep moving forward, the more
the ghosts complained. This could not be the right path. I was faced with way
too much opposition. A big yellow sheet of paper with red letter appeared on my
back door; “Stop Work” it simply said. Those pricks.
I didn’t see this as my only sign, but rather one of so many
signs. All of the doors were closing. The old house patted me on the head and
said, “It’s okay. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” I wondered.
This is not what I expected, but that could be said of my
last two years. When I ended up in mom’s basement in my 49th year, I
looked around and thought, this is not what I expected. When I found a way to
clean up the old place and when I found a way to buy it, I thought, this is not
what I expected. When I got the old house habitable again, I thought, this is
not what I expected. Now that phase is over and I have no idea what happens
next; not what I expected.
All of this has been made possible by a series of miracles.
I am so grateful. I am a better man. It’s only when I began to think that I had
done it all by myself that the miracles ceased. This caused me to scramble for
a while. Everything I touched was breaking. I finally got quiet and it began to
hit me; it’s not up to me; it never was up to me. The miracles were not my doing.
All I can tell you is that I finally got peace again by
accepting my humanness again. None of these things happened because I am good;
they happened because they were supposed to happen. I was just one gear in the
clock; all of the other functions were simply not me. You might think the
opposite to be true, but this has been exactly what I needed to restore my
faith. I now realize that whatever happens going forward will be just as
miraculous as everything I just experienced; it may not be what I want, but as
crazy as it sounds, I still believe there is a path ahead of me, not a jungle
where I carve one.
A prick was something like a prod used to move horses, mules
or livestock around many years ago. They were a very sharp, spear-like poker
and that’s where we get the word “prick”. If an animal didn’t want to feel that
pointy prick, it would follow the master’s plan and everything would be okay
In The Book of Acts, Paul was having a really hard time.
Nothing seemed to be going his way. Jesus, with his dry sense of humor, said to
Paul, “It’s hard to kick against the pricks isn’t it?”